A Guide to Dental Implant Aftercare

Are you getting Dental Implants? If yes, you should be quite excited since it can give you more confidence in your smile. And, given that people with beautiful smiles are more likely to achieve success and have higher self-esteem.

However, in order to have a lovely smile and realise the full advantages of your dental implants, you must follow proper dental implant care. Looking after your implants starts the moment you leave your dentist’s office.

So, how should you maintain your implants?

Check out our article to learn everything you need to know about caring for your dental implants. 

Dental Implants Aftercare Tips

#1. Use a Soft Nylon Toothbrush 

You might need to replace your toothbrush after receiving dental implants. This is because nylon toothbrushes have soft, malleable bristles that are gentle to your implants and natural teeth. To clean the hard-to-reach areas around the implants, you can also use a Proxabrush.

Avoid toothbrushes that have hard bristles, as these can scrape the surface of your implants. In fact, after your implants are in place, you should avoid cleaning your mouth with any metal instruments. Instead, continue brushing and flossing 2 times a day, but be gentle around the surgical site. 

#2. Refrain from using Harsh Products

Once you have your Dental Implants, you should try to avoid buying harsh cleaning products like toothpaste and mouthwash. This is because harsh products might cause severe discomfort. 

Oral hygiene products with strong flavours, such as mint or cinnamon, should generally be avoided as they may make your mouth feel uncomfortable. If you contact your dentist either they or their hygienist should be able to provide a suitable recommendation of the best products for good oral hygiene without damaging the dental work you have had done.

#3. Improve Your Oral Hygiene by Using Dental Floss Everyday

Did you know that only 16% of adults floss everyday? That means 84% of the population isn’t flossing regularly! 

If you are a part of this statistic, now is the time to change your ways.

Flossing becomes even more essential with dental implants. Plaque can quickly collect around your implants, causing other dental hygiene problems. 

The good news is that there are several varieties of flosses available specifically for persons with dental implants, which means you really have no excuse not to brush your teeth. 

If you find it difficult to find time during the day to floss, consider the following advice:

  • Use Your Phone to Set a Reminder: This is perfect for times when you feel too busy.
  • Put floss in your car or purse: By always carrying floss, you may make the most of any downtime you must spend cleaning your teeth.
  • Reward Yourself: If you need motivation to start flossing at last, that’s acceptable. Reward yourself with an extra episode of your favourite show. If you floss for 30 days in a row, the reward will be considerably bigger. 
  • Do it while doing something: Flossing will feel less like a chore if you are doing something mindless. Buying a Waterpik can also be beneficial because it eliminates much of the heavy work associated with flossing.

#4. Avoid eating hard or sticky foods

Eating hard or sticky foods can harm your implants. Not to mention that certain foods can damage adjacent teeth. Here are some foods to avoid after implants:

  1. Steak 
  2. Hard candies
  3. Caramel
  4. Ice
  5. Apples
  6. Carrots
  7. Dried fruit
  8. Potato chips
  9. Crusty bread
  10. Hardshell tacos

#5. Avoid smoking and stay away from alcohol

Staying away from alcohol and nicotine is good for your overall health. However, it is especially important to avoid these chemicals during dental implant recovery.

Remember that your dental implants will take about 6 months to cure, therefore smoking during this time can be very damaging. Also, drinking alcohol has been revealed to slow down the healing process of the treatment, thus it should be avoided as much as possible. 

#6. Visit your dentist regularly

Dental implants can improve the appearance of your smile and help restore the function of your natural teeth. However, they are not an instant fix for all oral hygiene problems. You should schedule at least two annual dental visits, depending on your overall oral health. 

If you take good care of your dental implants and visit your dentist regularly, they can last a lifetime. 

#7. Immediate Aftercare Tips for Your Dental Implant Treatment

You are definitely also curious as to how to care for your dental implants right after the treatment. After having dental implants, you will most likely experience discomfort following surgery and some swelling over the first day or two, which may feel like a bruise. This is normal once the local anaesthetic has worn off, and you should not be alarmed if you need to take a painkiller for discomfort. 

To minimise the healing period and to heal properly, you must do the following after your treatment:

  • Avoid excessive movement and elevate your head during the first 8 to 12 hours after the operation.
  • Bite into the sponges that were put in your mouth to stop the bleeding.
  • Apply an ice pack to your face in 15-minute intervals, as needed.
  • Eat only soft foods and drinks for the first 24 hours, avoiding hot food to prevent irritation.
  • Don’t rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours after your surgery.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions when using prescribed medications.

Also, refrain from driving yourself home after the treatment. 

Need a Dentist for all your dental care need? Get in touch today!

Blessing Dental Care is committed to helping you maintain a healthy smile for many years to come. Maintain dental hygiene, use gentle cleaning procedures, and schedule regular check-ups to keep your implants in good condition. If you are looking for a new dentist, Contact us for more personalised help.

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