6 Reasons To Consider Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

A Dental Implant is just a screw that typically is made of titanium and inserted into the jawbone. It comes with a crown attached to it. 

Implants are most often used when a person has missing or absent teeth, or even if they are completely toothless. This last alternative is expensive, but it is a one-time expense because implants are the most durable prosthetic repair.

It is important to keep in mind that replacing lost teeth is a must, whether you want to use dentures, bridges, or implants. Otherwise, you will have to deal with misalignment, headaches, and difficulty speaking and grinding food. This, in turn, has further consequences.

6 Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Implants 

Here are 6 reasons why dental implants are an excellent choice.

#1. Dental implants are like real teeth

When the treatment is completed and the implants are installed, they will appear perfectly natural and undetectable from your teeth.

They function the same as real teeth, so there is no adjustment period (compared to dentures) or the sensation of having a foreign body in your mouth, making them an excellent tooth replacement option. They also don’t need any specialised adhesives or treatments. You care for them the same way you would for your other teeth, with the exception that they will never need root canal treatment or fillings.

Most importantly, they can replace any number of teeth and support dental bridges or dentures.

#2. A one-time investment with a lasting impact

Currently, Dental Implants are the most durable prosthetic restoration dentistry provides. First and foremost, this is because of the material from which they are made, ensuring durability and functionality like natural teeth. Second, implants gradually blend with the natural bone tissue, forming an integral part of it, just like a natural tooth.

Your implant will last for a lifetime if you practice good dental care and visit your dentist regularly.

#3. Improved quality of life 

Missing teeth has significant health consequences, but it also has a negative impact on quality of life. These include speaking difficulties, a decline in looks, and trouble chewing, which can lead to more issues with the entire digestive system. Missing a tooth, especially a front tooth, causes us not to smile more often and makes us feel insecure in public.

These problems are resolved if you replace missing teeth with an implant. Moreover, they do not require the same level of maintenance as dentures. The same level of hygiene as with natural teeth is enough.

You also don’t have to be concerned about the implant falling or sliding out, as this can happen with veneers or other restorations.

#4. The use of dental implants stops bone loss

The loss of a tooth ultimately results in bone loss. Unlike other tooth replacement alternatives, dental implants encourage bone regeneration while stabilising it.

Why does this matter? Bones keep the jaw and gums strong, lowering the risk of fracture and other dental problems.

#5. A safe dental practice that helps against tooth loss

As previously stated, they quickly bond to the bone and are composed of elements that are safe for human flesh.  

Also, Dental Implants do not harm natural teeth. Other restorative procedures may weaken surrounding teeth, making them more prone to decay and future tooth extraction.

#6. Ultimately, it could turn out less expensive

Indeed! You might be shocked by this because an dental implant procedure is a one-time, high-priced procedure, yet it serves as a long-lasting solution for those who lose a tooth. You will have an implant for the rest of your life, like we said. It doesn’t require replacement like fillings or treatment like genuine teeth. Therefore, compared to other prosthetic restorations or long-term care, it may end up being less expensive in the long run.

Ready for a Smile That Lasts? Choose Dental Implants!

As mentioned before, it is not the cheapest solution, but there are many reasons you may find implant surgery is the best solution for you. It is definitely worth it for your oral health and may be more cost-effective in the long run. The cost of a dental implant and crown depends on the current state of your teeth, the type of crown chosen, and, of course, the implant procedure. 

To check if you are a candidate for dental implants and for more information about our Dental Implant Treatment, please call us at 01505 800 383  or book an appointment online. Find out if they’re perfect for you at Blessing Dental Care!

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